04 Mar

Nobody’s Really Looking at Your Website That Closely

As much as you would like to think that individuals are intensely interested in your website, they are only concerned with themselves. In the words of Frances Schagen, “We get wrapped up so much in our own worlds, we forget that everyone else is wrapped up in theirs, too.”

So what’s to be done? How do we get people to care about who we are, what we stand for and the value we can bring to their lives. A good starting point can be to step back and really think about what matters to your target client or prospect. I think particularly about how that was expressed in a recent blog post from Seth Godin. He encourages us to ask:

Who is your next customer? (Conceptually, not specifically. Describe his outlook, his tribe, his hopes and dreams and needs and wants…)

What is the story he told himself (about the world, about his situation, about his perceptions) before he met you?

How do you encounter him in a way that he trusts the story you tell him about what you have to offer?

What change are you trying to make in him, his life, or his story?

Each of our lives is a story, and when we show others how our story intertwines and complements their story, we separate ourselves from those that are so busy trying to get noticed. And so for your website, think more about them; and then perhaps the imagery, the story and the value proposition you choose to share, may actually compel them to want to learn more about you.


Photo Credit Flickr

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