STEP 1: Website Layout

After the flow and information framework has been established during the Process Mapping meeting, we move on to the important phase of determining the look and feel of the site. Here we work with the client to concentrate on the visual web design, to ensure the organization’s image and branding is working well with the framework of the site.

STEP 2: Content Plan

Web development and content creation is the next activity. The client typically provides text and images for the new site, and we resize the images and insert the text into the appropriate space. This is where we go a step further than many web providers. We examine your content and provide input on how the content could be modified to perform better for search engines.

STEP 3 : Testing

We test out the site on a number of different platforms (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome) and test all links and forms, and ensure smooth navigation of the site. We also test the responsive views for the desktop, tablets and mobile to ensure that the website display properly on all devices.

STEP 4: Launch

This is probably the most exciting phase. At launch, you’ll get to see your development website go live to the public. This allows you to market your new website and give it the boost it needs.

We are here to help you and your business succeed. We offer ongoing support, maintenance and training to help keep your website fresh and up to date.

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