18 Feb

You Can Be a Web Superhero Too

This week’s message is a slight diversion from the standard fare of web development, law firms and technology, but it’s still very much about pursuing a web presence.

SiteCats recently announced a Superhero cookie fundraiser to help a local soup kitchen. While having a benefit for a local nonprofit is not necessarily a groundbreaking idea, helping and serving locally is a great way to gain visibility and engage with the community.

At the same time, raising money or volunteering should not be looked upon as a marketing tactic, but something done with sincerity and genuine good will. For example, the organization we are helping, Manna on Main Street, has been a long term project of SiteCats. More than 10 years ago we built their website for free, and provided them hosting and maintenance for no charge.

Perhaps your business can find a way to reach out, do some good, and possibly get some attention on the web as well…

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